How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body (David R Hamilton PhD) Visual Synopsis by Dani Saveker


David is a highly regarded speaker and has authored a significant amount of best-selling books including Why Kindness Is Good For You.

This particular book was originally released about 10 years ago and has now been updated with this edition being released to include additional chapters.

The main focus of the book is built around visualisation and as with all of David’s books, is structured clearly and usefully so that you can identify and understand the mixture of scientific and practical examples. At the end of the book, David has created an A-Z of ailments and the best type of visualisation to use to help the mind – and therefore the body.

This is the second book Dani’s read and drawn in the past month that looks at placebos and the strength of the mind – positively and negatively. Just as we can visualise improvements and recovery, so we can also visualise darkness and defeat. Hope and kindness feature in this book beautifully with the aim of helping the reader to imagine and heal.


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St Giles Hospice Visual Synopsis by Dani Saveker