The Power of Moments (Dan Heath and Chip Heath) Visual Synopsis by Dani Saveker


A wonderful and valuable read by Dan and Chip Heath. The Power of Moments beautifully explains life is made up of “defining moments” and that have the ability to create these. Through four key areas – Elevation – Insight – Pride – Connection – there are ideas and stories to show how we can be the author of moments, not just for ourselves but for others too.

Just as one quick example, the Heath brothers explain that relationships flourish not because of duration and time but because of understanding, validation and caring. These are opportunities for moments to be created.

The book focuses on how we assess experiences; peaks which are the highlights of a memory and experience, pits which are the low points but that can be filled and flipped into a peak and transitions such as the end of one chapter of your life and the beginning of another.  By consciously choosing to celebrate, show gratitude, understand ourselves better, build courage, recognise others and raise the bar we can live with defined moments.


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