The Ride of a Lifetime (Robert Iger) visual synopsis by Dani Saveker


This book was brought to my attention by a keen supporter of the visual synopsis pieces - and I’m very grateful for the recommendation.

I’ve been a longtime fan of Disney and the opportunity to see some ‘behind the scenes’ - through the stories in the book - were so fascinating. Robert Iger shares his journey from a young boy through to his early career and onwards to how he ended up as the CEO of Walt Disney Company in 2005. The book sets out to capture 10 core leadership elements that are universal. The synopsis is built around these 10 areas and provides a summary of the key points.

Within the book, we also get to see - and often recognise - the challenges of clashing cultures and egos and how Robert navigated a wide range of challenges. I’d love to have seen more depth for a number of the issues he faced but as an overall leadership book it works well.


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